“What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.”- T. S. Eliot

20131022-082757.jpg I stand as a witness to various endings…sadly or excitedly…life moved on. So many endings with precise relief statements have occurred lately: So much for my happy ending… Finally!… Surely there is an end… I thought it will never end… It paid off in the end… Awwww…so this is it!… Iono…I guess I don’t want this to end… And blah blah blah😃🙈 Whichever way, I was getting all comfortable or restfully uneasy with these various realisations until I saw the quote above during my devotion. Sadly life is not that train we go on…such that after the exhaustion from much sight-seeing, we begin to scream “Stop the train, I want to get off”. Oh well, I have seen things. And it helps this day to realise that there is just one final destination…which will come in God’s time, according to His will😄👐 At this point, these statements become more realistic: Life goes on… I guess the world doesn’t stop😂… You are coming out stronger… Pick up yourself for the extra mile… It still is a beautiful world… Your best days are still ahead!… It is the start of a never-ending journey of discipline, work and pursuit of an ever-higher standard… (Coined from ‘Our Daily Manna’). In between the various experiences…I took something out- ‘the end is sometimes very abrupt’. So, there goes ‘The End’ of this write-up😜🙈😂💃 Wait! Before you run along: Ya’ll should break down this quote, especially the end of it😂

20131022-083022.jpg “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”- Winston Churchill I’m probably still booting…so I will drop a comment after you. Thank you for stopping by…have a great day😃💃👏

8 thoughts on “THE END

  1. @eloxie says:

    Hi Blessing, thanks for this post. To be honest, every end for me is but the start of something new or perhaps the end of the beginning, but the ability to see past the ‘end’ itself as finality is what counts. Reminds me of Solomon when he said, better is the end of a thing than the beginning. Eccl. 7:8.

    At the end, we can then judge the whole,especially if the matter relates to God’s Divine Providence. At the beginning we are often apt to make very rash conjectures, and often suppose that such and such things are against us; and that every thing is going wrong but at the end we see clearly the end of that ‘beginning’ that we may not have understood.

    Liked by 1 person

    • oyide says:

      Word!!!…I totally concur with all you wrote. Thank you so much. Especially the insight on how we see clearly what the beginning was like at the end. Indeed, Solomon was right. Thank you Eloxie for this wonderful exposition.
      Let’s do it again…definitely💃😃


  2. tessadoghor says:

    The steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord.

    If you believe this, then wherever you are going, God has got the blue print and it doesn’t end till He says so.
    So is something ending? Possibly
    Can you still walk with Him in spite of what is going on in your environment?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. oyide says:

    Hey…I have finally booted😂. Thanks to all those that dropped comments here and there…some believed it to be a situational quote, others a quote on the end-time and so many other brilliant interpretations. My blog readers are intelligent😃💃
    In my literal understanding, I believe it is a two way street…the end of a thing signifies the beginning of another and the beginning of a thing signifies an end (a journey like process)…kpere😃
    I so concur…it is all the answers there can be…both contextual, end-time based et al.
    In the words of one of our readers…it sure is still a pretty deep quote😂💃🙈👐👏
    Merci ya’ll


    • oyide says:

      Well, look at this. In the words of Charles Swindoll, in his book on ‘Moses’…he offered that the quote by Sir Winston Churchill was one of the best definition of success he had ever read. It implies: “Success is moving from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.”
      In other words, as you begin to interpret failure correctly, you will take your first giant step towards maturity. He believes Churchill’s words speak very well to our failures in the Christian life.
      He also noted, that the quote was made in the midst of Nazi bombings. Eureka!!!
      Thank you Lord.


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