Our Dream…

‘Don’t let your dreams be dreams.’ – Jack Johnson

They say ‘dream big’, ‘touch the sky’…better still ‘the sky is no longer the limit’ and so on.

What they never emphasized was the ‘process of sustaining dreams’. It’s necessary to note that many have lost their dreams along the path of life.

It either became too elusive or burdensome. Yes, burdensome!

You see, when the seed sown by a dream is not exposed to the resources needed for ‘germination’, it will surely die.

How do I mean? Your dream cannot be known to you alone. It is essential to tell at least one person per time about your dream(s).

You place your dreams in the process of achievement when you:
1. Talk about it to those around you (at least one person)
2. Put it up in a mission statement (or more) to keep you in remembrance
3. Commit it to the Lord at all times (this remains a constant)
4. Begin to act it out in small but great ways
5. Visualise at every stage of life the future of your dreams
6. Remain excited about creative ways of achieving a bit of your dream per time.
7. Add to the list.

In a nutshell…


Your dream, Our dream

Hear this:
I just did number ‘6’ on the list by putting up the first draft of this post immediately after writing it. Usually, I don’t write directly on the app 😂
You know, I shared a bit of my ‘blogging’ dream with you by putting up this post.

This week, how would you live out your dream(s)?

4 thoughts on “Our Dream…

  1. Rosemary Okoro says:

    So true! I love your sincerity in your writings and by the grace of God you are going to go far….very far! God bless your dream and the vision and mission in Jesus name. Amen.

    Thanks and kind regards, Rosemary Okoro.

    Liked by 2 people

    • oyide says:

      Awwwww…Amen! Amen! *we hands lifted up to receive the blessings* 😁 Thank you so much Ma. God bless you.
      Thank you so much for following my journey and being there every step of the way.


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