I wonder why my mind could only create poetry when I’m particularly overwhelmed.
You see, I wrote my first poem when I was about eleven…usually I would say it this way ‘I cried to write my first poem‘ *haha* (that’s a chapter in my book) 🙊💯🙏

Back to this write-up 😃 I kid you not, I have to be overwhelmed to write a poem….The question is ‘why?’ Is that where ‘inspiration’ lies; in the land of extreme emotions? Must one be either overtly excited or conspicuously sad to write ‘one’ poem…just one fa?
It reminds me of a moment, when I was a teenager…my Brother put me on an inspiration train to write say three poems in a week or so. I bet I couldn’t write the three poems…I believe I ‘scribbled’ down one. All I remember well was the part of it not being a ‘heartfelt’ poem…😂 *it was not from the heart*

Well, well, well…that answers the question! 💃 You see Poetry comes straight from the heart…you necessarily do not get to cook up poems, they come to you mostly.
The heart we all know is an ‘overwhelmed‘ place. It is elated today and can broken the next day…it is inspired a moment and may be troubled the next second.
It then leads me to another question…’whom have you given your heart to? This overwhelmed heart of yours…God or a Person with his/her own overwhelmed ‘burden’ *sorry, heart* ???

Hmmm…’for where your treasure is, there will your heart will be also’ (Matthew 6:21). Put your treasure in God…Yes, then your heart will follow that treasure and be still in Him.
Better still, lemme take it a notch higher….’Make your treasure God!‘ Period. Then you will eternally write heartfelt poems from a place overwhelmed with peace *God’s peace*…and don’t forget joy *et al*
The final question today is…’what heartfelt desires are you overwhelmed with today?’ This my friend will tell you ‘whom your heart is with’.
…To Jesus

Give it all to Jesus…all the pieces of your ‘broken’ heart. He knows just how to make it into a beautiful ‘Poem’

                          …take Heart ❤️💚💜💙

Image source: Google images

Contextual note: ‘Overwhelm’ as used in this write-up is not tantamount to the word ‘upset’. For example, one can be ‘overwhelmed‘ with gratitude

16 thoughts on “HEART 

  1. D'Dream says:

    Lol @ cried to write my first poem.

    i feel your dilemma. I was really sad when i was wrote the first poem on my blog. in fact i wrote three poems “irony, empty and Words” in less than 40 mins hehehe. so perhaps all poets experiences this high-low emotional high too.

    you writes beautifully. more grace

    Liked by 1 person

    • oyide says:

      Awwwww. Thank you so much for this comment.

      It’s amazing to have a fellow Poet share in the moment 😂

      Poetry is epic! I’m grateful to God for the grace.

      You write beautifully too.💯😃

      Thank God 🙏


  2. Chanel Bailey says:

    This is beautiful! Very inspiring me speaks volumes to my soul today! God knows just what to do and who to send in order to get His Word to his children. Thank you for your obedience and listening ear!😊

    Liked by 1 person

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